About the Client

A newly established swimming pool company was entering the Tampa Bay market and wanted to establish themselves as one of the top players in swimming pool construction.

The owner was technically savvy and understood marketing to a significant degree and wanted us to build them a website and start SEO to cement their organic placement on search engines.

Important: client names are withheld due to confidentiality agreements.

Ready to Start with SEO?


Since the company was newly established, they were an unknown entity locally.

They did not have a website or any digital presence and, of course, zero leads.

They wanted ongoing SEO services to grow their reach organically.

  • New company with no digital presence in the area
  • Did not have placement on any of the search engines
  • Zero inbound leads at the beginning


We worked with VPS to establish the following objectives:

  • Use CTAs to website to generate leads

  • Achieve top 3 organic placement

  • Establish credibility using organic placement
  • Rely on organic placement for leads

Action Plan

We created a comprehensive SEO action plan:

  • Build responsive and functional website
  • Use visual content to showcase their work
  • Regular short and long-form content posted on their blog
  • Ongoing link building for high rank on search engines

  • KPIs tracked and monitored for review & optimization


Our C.O.R.E. SEO efforts resulted in some impressive achievements:

  • 300+ keywords in the top 10 results on Google & Bing
  • Inbound leads jumped by almost 4x over two years
  • Over 400 articles posted on their blog over three years
  • Steady traffic led to a conversion rate of over 8% for leads

  • PPC combined with SEO resulted in a steady flow of leads

Keywords in Top 10 on Google
Increase in Inbound Leads
Conversion Rate