About the Client

A company that helps inventors obtain patents, protect, market, and license their inventions ideas.

They support & guide inventors, and help them connect with service providers as their clients move along the patent path.

They were struggling with lead generation due to a low volume of organic traffic and wanted to improve their search engine presence.

Important: client names are withheld due to confidentiality agreements.

Ready to Start with SEO?


The company faced problems in two areas.

First, their website user experience was less than optimal leading to a very high bounce rate.

Second, their website did not place in the top 10 search results which significantly increased their search marketing (PPC) costs.

  • Low volume of traffic leading to poor lead generation

  • Did not have appear in the top 50 results on search

  • Heavy reliance on PPC was cutting into the bottom line


We established the following objectives:

  • Improve organic presence & rank

  • Achieve top 10 organic placement on Google & Bing

  • Increase authority by increasing organic rank

  • Reduce dependence on PPC

Action Plan

We created a comprehensive SEO action plan:

  • Improve website UI and UX

  • Improve lead generation process with relevant CTAs

  • Crate a learning center & share educational content

  • Ongoing link building for high rank on search engines

  • KPIs tracked and monitored for review & optimization


Our C.O.R.E. SEO efforts resulted in some amazing outcomes:

  • 172+ keywords in the top 10 results on Google in 6 months

  • Conversions increased by 300% over 24 months

  • Over 150 short and long-form articles published to learning center

  • 377% increase in inbound traffic within 12 months

Keywords in Top 10 on Google
Increase in Conversions
More Traffic