About the Client

A nationwide appraisal management company (AMC) that specialized in residential & commercial real estate valuations wanted to increase its digital footprint across the country.

In addition to a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, they also wanted to improve their organic search rank to attract an increase volume of higher quality inbound traffic.

They wanted to start with SEO and then add other marketing tactics as they made progress.

Important: client name withheld due to confidentiality agreement.

Ready to Start with SEO?


When we started working with this company, they were jumping from tactic to tactic without tangible results which led to frustration and poor decision making.

  • Older website with tedious user interface
  • Relied on word-of-mouth referrals for leads
  • Very low volume of incoming leads
  • Minimal organic presence on Search engines
  • Did not want to reply on PPC


We worked with VPS to establish the following objectives:

  • Optimize website and add CTAs for lead generation
  • Review ideal audience and competitors to refine strategy
  • Create detailed marketing strategy with focus on SEO

  • Achieve page one organic rank for relevant keywords
  • Increase volume of inbound visitor traffic
  • Your Content Goes Here

Action Plan

We created a comprehensive organic action plan:

  • Detailed audit & technical SEO for improvements

  • Targeted market research to refine ICPs

  • In-depth SEO audit to diagnose challenges
  • Technical SEO to identify and repair structural issues

  • Optimize website & improve UI/UX

  • Ongoing C.O.R.E SEO to improve search rank

  • Optimize PPC campaigns to reduce costs


Our C.O.R.E. SEO efforts resulted in amazing improvements :

  • Massive 1470% Increase in inbound traffic (~12K to ~320K /mo)

  • 612% Increase in Incoming Leads

  • 175+ Search Terms in Top 3 on Google

Jump in Inbound Traffic
Search words in Top 3 on Google
More Leads