When a Website is Simply Not Enough!

When a Website is Simply Not Enough!

Unless your organization has significant brand recognition and awareness, just having a nice website is simply not enough. Remember, as of the writing of this article, there are close to 250 million websites on the Internet. Your website is simply one of them – a proverbial needle in the haystack!

It is challenging enough that the expectations of Internet users are constantly increasing and people want much more than they did previously. Technological advances have made the Internet an essential part of life for most people to the point where they rely on it for information, entertainment, research and a whole lot more! They expect fast load times, minimal distractions, user friendliness

The Importance of Website Analytics

The Importance of Website Analytics

The importance of Website analytics tracking software cannot be overlooked. Website Analytics shows you the activity of your website visitors and measures their online behavior.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics offers you more insights on the performance of your website than just about any other tool available today. You can find anything from what screen resolution your customers have, what color space they’re using, to what ISP they are using and much more.

Graphs, charts and interactive map

You can get graphs, pie charts, and lists and that’s not all. You can also find an exciting interactive world map that shows you from which countries, states and cities your visitors are coming from, plus when and how they got there!

Search engine

How to Extract the Most From your Link Building Strategy

How to Extract the most from your Link Building Strategy

Most people involved in SEO are familiar with primary link sources such as directories, press release websites, blogs, forums, article syndication websites, social networks and bookmarking portals. However, as part of your link building, consider the following alternative sources that can provide you with much-needed link juice so you can get the most from your link building strategy:

Customized 404 Pages
Just be sure that missing pages on your website are not impacting inbound link numbers. If someone links to your website and they get a 404 error, you may be missing out on potential incoming links. Be sure to address this problem. If you have your own custom 404

The Future of Mobile Advertising

The Future of Mobile Advertising

Did you know that Google now holds the badge of being the Internet’s largest mobile advertising company?

Google acquired AdMob in late 2009 and that squarely placed Google on the map as one of the top mobile advertising companies. Google will leverage its Android platform in direct competition with Apple’s iPhone.  Some consider this to be a frontal attack on Apple and IOS‘s most serious advantage over Android – mobile apps. Developers are likely to capitalize on this move by starting to develop mobile ads for the Android Network that is spread across multiple networks.

In short, the Mobile world is now a huge marketplace with massive

9 Reasons you Should You Blog to Improve Website Rank!


Being able to drive traffic to a website, generate sales, create advertising income and also act as an efficient customer service tool, a blog is fast becoming part of the marketing strategy for most companies worldwide.

Here are the top 9 reasons why you should blog to improve website rank:

1. You become known as an expert in your field
Use a blog to easily share your knowledge and expertise on a specific niche area is a great advantage to a business. A Blog gives you a place where you can write in your own voice and establish yourself as a trusted expert.

2. Blogs get you more traffic from search engines
Search engines love blogs and blog directories because of their

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