Arnima Design started in 2003 as a digital marketing agency and remained one until mid-2023 (post-COVID), at which point we went into a holding pattern.

At that point, our founder, Rajeev Ratra, decided to branch out as an on-demand fractional marketing leader.

As he delved deeper into being a fCMO, he discovered that there was a significant need for quality SEO and PPC service providers in the world of fractional marketing, sales, and revenue!

And, of course, there continues to be a need for high-quality SEO services and PPC management, especially for small and mid-market businesses.

So we’re relaunching Arnima Design as a Bespoke SEO Services firm hyper-focused on providing high-quality SEO services.

We’ll Fuel Your Growth Using SEO!

How We Work

Let’s cut to the chase.

When it comes to SEO, you have several choices. You can hire a freelancer. Or you can hire a large agency. Or a bespoke SEO services firm like ours that provides services that are tailored and customized to your exact needs.

It’s well-known that you need to manage freelancers carefully. Otherwise, you can face delays, project abandonment, and quality challenges.

With a large agency, you’re just an “account” where it can be a struggle to talk to someone, and that too, at obscenely high rates.

Why are we different?

At Arnima Design, we believe in getting our hands dirty.

We roll up our shirtsleeves and get down to work with you.

And we do that for as long as it takes.

Until you are 100% satisfied.

We believe in quality, and we make sure that we complete every project.

Without Fail.

Don’t believe us? Check out our success stories.

Ready to Start with SEO?

20+ years of SEO experience says that we are different.

Experience and expertise count heavily when it comes to SEO.


Arnima Design has been around since the heyday of SEO when Google loved websites stuffed with cloaked keywords! We’ve seen (and experienced) it all.

We’ve suffered penalties just because Google decided to change something that was unacceptable (to them). We’ve seen websites tank and disappear off the top 100 results because they had too many low-quality links or purchased links or a myriad of other problems.

We’ve seen the Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, and Pigeon penalties, to name a few (yes, Google loves birds) and more.

And we’ve helped clients (and us) recover from and maintain their rank.

So, yes, we know what works and what doesn’t.


Google (and other search engines) don’t tell us what changes they have in the works. We usually find out after the fact.

So, we have to work hard to stay ahead of the curve, so to speak, by continually educating ourselves and learning.

We stay on our toes so your website stays at the top.


We’re all about communicating.

We don’t leave you wondering. We keep you updated, but at the same time, we don’t overwhelm you (and please tell us if we do).

SEO is a two-way street. You don’t simply hand off your SEO work to us and go play golf!

You have as much, if not more, at stake here. After all, it’s your website – whether you like it or not, you have work cut out for you.

It’s a partnership!


At the end of it, it’s all about transparency.

We’re not here to make a quick buck. We’re not here to blatantly take your money.

It’s our moral responsibility to produce results for you. At Arnima Design, we’ll do everything we can as long as you fulfill your side of the bargain as well.

Make sense?